Friday, June 5, 2009

Share the Shutter School love!

Want to add a Shutter School button to your own blog?
Here's how in Blogger:
  • While logged in to your Blogger account and looking at the "Dashboard," click on the "Layout" link.
  • Choose "Add a Gadget" and then choose "HTML/Javascript."
  • Copy the following HTML code: <a href=''><img alt='Shutter School' height='220' id='Image1_img' src='' width='175'/>a>
  • Make sure to click "SAVE" on the "Configure HTML" page and the "Add and Arrange Page Elements" page.
You should be able to use the same code in Typepad or other hosts, but the process might be a little different.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a helpful blog this will be--thank you! I'm displaying your icon on my blog with a link so that others can find you too! Thanks, Linda, for your comment on my SSS! Blessings!